29 November 2006

Are we still in teacher-driven mode?

One impression forming from feedback so far is that we are continuing to perpetuate a teacher-driven rather than student-centred mode of delivery by using social software. With the excitement of using new technologies is it an assumption that students (particularly young students) and staff really want to use them for learning and knowledge sharing? What evidence have you got that suggests this is really what our clients want?

We're really interested to get some additional feedback on this one so have your say by commenting.


At 3:16 pm, Blogger Steven Parker said...

Hi Val

An example of giving students free reign.after being exposed to simply using a digital camera and mp3 recorder as well as some Web 2.0 tools, e.g. flickr.

The outcomes:

-The students themselves created a resource about event management.
-The students loved using technology where comfortable with recording and interviewing each other.
-The students helped each other clarify and discuss their own learning outcomes during the recording process.
-The photos and audio can be used as part of assessment portfolio.


Some students where interviewed on how they found the experience and it's usefulness, click on photos to access mp3s

At 3:19 pm, Blogger Steven Parker said...

...Hyperlinks to examples

Open, Networked and Hands On - Fostering Student Creativity

Student interviews

At 3:37 pm, Blogger Steven Parker said...

Also for a student's tradie perspective recommend Glen Campbell a refrigeration teacher successfully utilising video with his students and such web 2.0 tools as http://blip.tv http://slide.com and http://dfilm.com


Example outline of his methods and results to date:

To achieve the learning outcomes, ‘Systems Operation – Belt Drive Pulley Alignment’. Self directed learning, encouraging the learners to be actively involved.

The students where asked to form into three groups, and given instructions to design a ‘SAFE WORK PROCEDURE’ for replacing a V-belt to a belt driven reciprocating compressor.
· Clear steps designed to inform a novice on how to replace the V-belt(s)
· First word in each step should be a doing word: Turn; Remove; Check; Tighten; etc.
· Finished procedure is then practically applied, produced and filmed by the individual groups, thus nominating the presenter, camera operator, director etc.
· Completion of filming, the finished product (Presentation), is then critically reviewed by your fellow learners.

The activity was a great success; the learner’s tremendously enjoyed this fun, hands on delivery approach. Completion was rife amongst the groups, the learners self ownership of the challenge was evident. By critically reviewing the ‘Safe Work Procedures’ by their fellow learners, involved improved and cemented the learning outcomes for the entire group.

At 7:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that's an understatement!

It's a problem, when wearing an institutional hat, to think other than a person should be a "client". Condemned by your own terminology.

It's 'social' software for little other reason than the people who use it tend not to just 'deliver' their perspective or opinion - their defined curricula - of the things an inquiring mind will discover (and understand) for themselves, in their own sweet time, if only, when a they want to ask a question, they could find someone to answer it to their satisfaction.

There's only one piece of embrionic 'social software' that I've found if one emphasizes this learning approach rather than the gearing into the TD mode.
Oh look, its' front door is everywhere! http://www.asknow.gov.au/


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